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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Zoo lights fantastic Angry Bird feeders Frenzy

Having grown up on a farm which was in a government ordained bird sanctuary, I grew up with birds of all sorts around my home, both domesticated and wild. It became a common thing for orphans, as well as those that had been injured or even fallen from the nest as a chick, to be nursed or raised by my siblings and I.

One bird in particular that my dad brought home as a rescue was a Quarrian, the Australian native version of the cockatiel. Now days dad would have to get a license to keep the bird. But we are talking the1970's here. I was only 3 months old at the time, so I got to grow up with this dear bird we named George.

Angry Bird feeders Frenzy
Often, over the years, visitors to our home thought we had an angry bird as he would have a go at them, and as the older siblings left home returning to visit, he would have a go at them. I guess in a way he was an angry bird, but he never got that way with me for no reason. When I did upset him he would hiss at me.

Occasionally we would get wild bird seed mix to put in bird feeders for the wild galahs and cockatoos, someone would always forget and put some in George's feed dish. Then we would have an angry bird, who would pick out the sunflower seeds and literally peg them at whoever walked by. Of course it was quite funny, especially when one of our city friends was the target.

It is sometimes a bit daunting even now living in the suburbs to know which is the best type of bird feeder to use. Bird feeders come in all forms and shapes but a good bird feeder gives the bird a safe place to perch or hang while they have their fill of feed. Somewhere that cats can't get is ideal. If on a pole in the middle of a yard a nice wide platform that cats can't climb around and onto is ideal.

This on its own makes for a good bird feeder extend the pole up past the platform and set a hook and you can ad an all seed hanging bird feeder. Giving two bird feeders in one place. You may find you end up with frustrated and angry cats, but not one angry bird will be found unless someone annoys them.

Zoo lights fantastic
Being the season I decided to check out Christmas lights. Having no passport and not enough time or money to travel around Australia let alone the world to do this and get a decent enough look before they start to come down I turned to the Internet for my viewing glory. But sadly it seems that our zoos and parks here in Oz either don't have worthwhile displays or just could not be bothered using the most used media in the entire world to share them.

None the less, for much less than it costs for half a tank of fuel, my husband and I got to see some really cool light displays at homes throughout the world, a neat video of Santa in Australia Zoo's Tiger Temple, which is what they call their tiger pit, and of course the zoo lights Oregon and zoo lights Phoenix. I have to hand it to the Americans, they certainly know how to do some of the coolest displays to share with the world.

The zoo lights, though not quite what I expected were incredible. Zoo lights Phoenix showed me a new level of treetensity lighting, the kind that always takes my breath away. And the YouTube video of zoo lights Oregon gave me an old time joy, long lost to me when my childhood ended. I thought that gorgeous steam train looked so wonderful it brought tears of excitement to my eyes. Then I watched the video. I haven't felt that mix of awe and excitement for many years over Christmas lights, or much else for that matter. Zoo lights Oregon, I can hardly wait till I can come see you live myself, and if I can work it in the same trip, zoo lights Phoenix I'll be a coming your way.

However one little suggestion to both and all zoos and wildlife parks that do zoo lights, if you have bird feeder pillars like those at Currumbin Bird Sanctury, along your public access paths or bird feeders hanging in the trees that line the walkways your visitors use, try to put a little of that light magic you put on the trees and posts on the bird feeder tray bases, they might just end up looking like Christmas tree baubles at night.

For more info go check out the zoo lights site at

birds, angry bird, bird feeder, bird feeders, zoo lights, zoo lights Oregon, zoo lights Phoenix

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