Someone should write a book on cyber Monday
I don't know what I was doing or why I didn't know about it but... when i found out the book of Eli had two of just a sampling of my favorite stars in it I was a bit shocked. The two are Denzel Washington and Jennifer Beals.
I'm not sure if you've noticed but lately it seems there are an awful lot of movies being made from books. Another such book is the twilight set. If I am remembering correctly they had two movies or was it three made from them so far. I believe they were twilight saga and twilight new moon from memory.
Cyber Monday sales many claim may hit the highest recorded sales this year. Specially with the fact that some say it began as the second fiddle to Black Friday. Cyber Monday is now being touted to have surpassed Black Friday and become the number 1 shopping day online in the entire year. Rumor also has it that some retailers are starting to call it cyber black Monday
I just saw a piece of useful info about black friday
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