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Monday, December 26, 2011

Facebook home page mystery

With the recent commercialization of Facebook and introduction of the Facebook timeline more and more people, specially businesses are trying to get likes on their Facebook home page.

Since making it easier to find the Facebook login page and specially since I had problems with the home page I very rarely use it now. Though initially I used to try and find some of my class mates it really didn't bother me if I did find them. That is unless they were putting up the fact they are sorry for what they did all those years. Anyway apart from the fact my school seems to have disappeared from Facebook. I find the Facebook search OK to use, most times that is.

I'm not sure why or if anyone else is having the problem but my Facebook home page seems to be loading really slow if at all sometimes. Often times I go into play mafia wars and I have to try typing in the link directly which is frustrating, because I tend to mistype due to it being a long url.

Facebook, Facebook login, Facebook search, Facebook timeline, Facebook home page, Facebook login page, home page

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