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Thursday, December 22, 2011

Could army help with Virginia Tech shooting

I know it's a sensitive and complex subject but remember I am doing this for the improvement of my writing skills and to help out you guys with inspiration. Becauseif I can write about this sort of stuff sensitively well I'm sure you can conquer your problems too.

Though the Virginia Tech shooting was a tragedy it was good to see that gun laws were changed in at least Virginia as a result. I did however think it a bit strange that the mentally unsound, were allowed to purchase handguns prior to this tragedy. In Tasmania we had a similar thing happen a while back in which the Army was brought in to help resolve.

On a lighter note every now and then my wife say about she wants to join the Army but they never respond to her requests about a condition she has. To which I reply. Army what us Army people like mash? She says yep. I said to her what you want to be one of those Army wives? She said no it would be good to get my mechanics apprenticeship through.

Virginia Tech shooting, shooting in Virginia, school shooting, Army, us Army, Army wives, join the Army

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