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Friday, December 16, 2011

Can Listeria symptoms send you to hospital

According to the Australian government Listeria may cause an infection called listeriosis if you eat contaminated food. They found though it's not a new germ it is more widely transmitted through food now days due to the way we handle food. I was however actually surprised to find this was common in pre packaged foods. 

Amazingly Listeria is common in the environment it was grown in on the farm. I was surprised that it Listeria survived processing. Apparently there is a cantaloupe listeria problem or as we in Australia call them Rockmelons. I suppose this is because most Rockmelons are eaten raw. 

According to the nice folks at the Victorian government 
Listeria symptoms may include fever, headache, tiredness, aches and pains

I was lucky to avoid any food poisoning this year but... Got a touch of the croup and flu symptoms having to visit the gold coast general hospital a few times as a result. The doctors were more worried about my eye than the flu. One actually freaked out. I found out after he calmed down it was because I only have one. 

The way the people have been going on about the gold coast hospital compare to what it actually is like I feel they are over exaggerating a bit. However I am not there daily so it may be different when they go. Two out of the 5 times between April 2010 and August 2011 I have been in and out in under two hours, with nothing but the highest standard of treatment.

general hospital, Hospital, hospital compare,  croup flu symptoms, Listeria, Listeria cantaloupe, Listeria symptoms, gold coast hospital

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