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Saturday, December 31, 2011

Facebook timeline of Christmas quotes

Just in time for Christmas quotes, the Facebook timeline has been launched. I actually find using the Facebook timeline much easier to find things in. In other words quite a bit better organisation. The weird thing I find with the timeline is that it doesn't seem to include some of my previous posts.
On searching Facebook timeline I find there is a bit of a debate going on amongst the users.

Some even seem to be under the delusion Facebook timeline looks like or is going to make Facebook like MySpace. It looks nothing like MySpace really and it is the way people choose to use or abuse the social networks that make or break them. As I scrolled through the various comments on three of the authority links in the first result I saw some comments that were just plain silly, and some that if there is truth to them then just don't hit the like button.

Therms of use for Facebook have some similar clauses to that of playing the lotteries and certain raffles, so if you see your mug come up in an ad don't blame Facebook timeline, you agreed to the Facebook terms when you sign up. By the way, I think it a good idea to let you know at this point the posts I have been checking out are on The Facebook information pages at Facebook.

During my searches through the new and the improved features Facebook timeline presents us with, I noticed they have some pretty neat Facebook timeline covers which include quotes. You can even submit or suggest covers. Being it would take too long to go through them all I don't know if there is any Christmas quotes or quotes for Christmas for those who like to keep a seasonal look to their profile.

Nor can I say whether or not they have quotes about Christmas for those who keep a Christmassy feel to their whole life where they can. Personally though I like the Facebook cover photo idea I have also used that feature. Seeing the quotes category in Facebook timeline covers made me think about a few of the quotes we grew up with. On such quote being,

It's not the gift, but the thought that counts. And was interested to find that even though we use it all year round it is actually a Christmas quote from Henry Van Dyke. Another I grew up hearing was from Charles Schulz, Christmas is doing a little something extra for someone. But then there are probably thousands of quotes about Christmas that are not just quotes for Christmas, that if we all at least used them a little more and maybe even practiced some of them.

Specially in places like Facebook, the doom and gloomers against Facebook timeline may see it will be what we make of it. Who knows there may be some new,waiting to be discovered, quotes for Christmas and other occasions from Facebook timeline users that will endure the ages as those we grew up with. They'll be the ones, if submitted to Facebook timeline covers, that will become as synonymous with future generations as those already with our generation and those before us.

Christmas quotes, quotes about christmas, quotes for Christmas, Facebook timeline, Facebook timeline covers, Facebook cover photo,

daylight savings in daylight savings time HUH

I'm not sure why but I always get confused about daylight savings time. At least here in Australia we only have like 5 time zone changes to get confused with. The thing I end up with the most problems with is trying to convert to the different times in America when we are in daylight savings time in Australia. The real confusion with the time conversion is that more often than not the American end of things will suggest a number of hours difference for AEST that is actually based on AEDT aka AEDST. Which means the poor person who is trying to be helpful is getting Australian Eastern Daylight Savings Time, NSW,& Vic run on in summer, and Australian Eastern Time, which in summer only Queensland runs on.

And there is the most modern argument for Queensland to take up on partaking in daylight savings. With the advent of Internet conferencing for educational purposes even more so. It is hard enough being in Oz and trying to calculate the time change for these without accounting for time zone change within Oz as well as America. One such instance caused my partner and I to have to get up at 2.30 am for a training seminar, instead of signing up for the later one.

But when we have to calculate the time for scheduling even a Internet call to America it can get very confusing. If it is daylight savings time abroad we need to figure out not only the basic time change, but which time zone change and account for daylight savings. As I read about the history of daylight savings time I find more and more reason to be great full for apps such as Google date time. The Piece I was reading on the history of daylight savings time and the fact that the daylight savings origin is a topic of debate tripped my intelligence switch to simple logics.

Being I am no historian I cannot tell you the most probable daylight savings origin, but I believe I can stear you in the right direction. If the Romans with their water clocks were the first to both have mechanized time keeping devices, mechanized clocks, and practice a similar process to daylight savings practices, then they are your origin . What I mean is the daylight savings origin is the first civilization to do and have both mechanized clocks and practice a similar process. See there was not even a need for the concept of daylight savings before mechanised clocks, mechanised time keeping as the sun produced the time keeping action on sundials of the various kinds and before them the daylight energy was what told people it was time to get up and when to do this or that.

The people against daylight savings who have no real reason other than they don't want to have to change their clocks twice a year like to use, The sun will still be up when we're trying to get to sleep!, as their argument. But if they took a break from modern reality, and let nature take control, they would find that daylight energy will wake them when it's time to get up and not keep them awake if they are tired. How do they think the Mexican sleeps during siesta, or how grandma, grandpa and children take successful sleep filled naps in the day time? Personally I was one of those people for a bit but the fact that when pay tv stopped adjusting their screening of programs and just advised the different state veiwers to calculate the showing time in accordance to Sydney time, I found a modern
Iifestyle reason to be a pro daylight savings person.

That along with the fact that even though I have had at least one alarm clock of one sort or another since I was in school, the alarm clock has only ever been used as a backup device. See my partner and I tend to wake up naturally and in time to have breakfast and get ready without rushing, even if it is at a special or earlier time to our normal schedule. And in twenty years it has been the alarm waking us only twice, as we normally wake at least 2 minutes before the alarm triggers. That's daylight energy for you.

daylight savings time, daylight energy, time change, daylight savings, daylight savings origin, time zone change

Friday, December 30, 2011

college book renter not a class a moron

I initially thought if you were going to rent an apartment or home to a college book renter you would have to be a class a moron. Then I paused and I thought about it for a bit. Not necessarily would the person default or skip out on their responsibilities.

Actually they would possibly be a better tenant to have as for starters they already have a rental record of valuable assets. Then there is the fact that they have been in the position of being responsible for the care and keep of another's valuables for their mutual gains.

Then there is an actual business in the US of the name College Book Renter. I have checked out the site and am glad to see that though at present they only deliver to the US, they appear to intend to service other countries in the future.

Actually I wish the option to rent textbooks was readily available when I was still in school, this would have actually made it far less expensive for my parents as they not only had to buy my high school text books but also one of my siblings college text books.

The other siblings went into jobs that paid them to do work while they did the studies that enabled them to become professionals in their chosen fields and generally the texts they required were supplied. But when you want to become a biologist that option does not exist.

So the existence of college book renter and book rental businesses is a wonderful idea come to life. The person who first took the step into the college book rental business definitely was not a class a moron though, at the time, there was probably plenty who thought he or she was.

Speaking of class a moron, I see there is a song performed by Crupp named Class A moron. I checked out the Lyrics on lyricsfreak and it looks like the person who wrote them knew at least one of the people I know. They open their mouth to speak and class a moron drivel comes flowing out, I am yet to hear the song play, but it will be worth it I'm hoping

college book renter, class a moron

Aussie Real Estate apartments and Homes advice

Americans don't always know how good they actually have it when it comes to certain things like renting their place of residence. Low income apartments in the private sector is a reality, with laws, enforceable laws, that protect the tenant from unscrupulous landlords who don't do or keep up with even the basic maintenance requirements before they become emergencies. And when a really unscrupulous landlord does let things get that bad and complaints are made to the appropriate governing authority they are penalized and made to do the repairs required.

Well at least that is my understanding from various sources, not just tv and movies. Yet the situation here in Oz and many other countries is not so good. The authorities that are supposed to enforce the laws and bilaws of the residential rental private sector are toothless when it comes to pulling a landlord into line yet can and do punish if not enable ready punishment of a tenant who defaults even to the least manner. And no real low income housing outside the government supplied apartments and homes.

There is no guidelines even to stop a landlord or agent from putting a medium or high income earner in a low cost property over a low income person who can ill afford the next price bracket up. Actually to buy an apartment here can be as expensive if not more expensive than buying a house. The Australian government has introduced a scheme to try and combat the low income housing problem but for some the answer is too little too late as they cannot get the savings together to move from where they are currently renting as the rent takes too great a percentage of their low income to enable any real savings to occur outside of to cover bills.
Homes for sale under the rent to own scheme are often a reasonable option provided the seller is realistic in his pricing and payment options for the buyer.

Unlike one fellow I have been watching the ads for in our local free community paper for the past few months. First few weeks his weekly payments advertised were top of the market for the suburb he listed it as being in. Then as the weeks have gone by he has raised the weekly payment listing to that of which one would expect for a property I the nearest much more expensive suburb. This could be his trying to cover his costs for a very easy to rectify mistake he has made each week he runs his rent to own ad. He does not give any details apart from the suburb the house is in, the weekly amount, and his mobile.

How can he fix this, well for starters in any paper if you look in the homes for sale section you see the details his has missed. Most rent to own homes listed in this section tell you a bit more than he has. Things like if a deposit is required, the overall price or term of payoff, the sizing of the homes as in how many bed rooms, bathrooms, fenced or not, and more often a better idea of its location. But one thing that has always fascinated me is no matter how well or badly advertised, I am yet to see a rent to own property advertised by a real estate agent as opposed to the private seller and actually be a rent to own, not a rental with option to buy at lease end.

Another thing I'd like to see is low income apartments and houses offered with moving assistance to those who need it most, that is the ones who need to move into low income housing but can't afford the move, which is easy enough to prove through government assistance and income records and expense records ie bank statements. The past rental records of the low income earner are looked into anyway so they, the real estate people, have about one quarter to one third of the picture there. An interview with the applicant or potential future occupant would be able to be used to gather the rest.

apartments, low income apartments, rent apartments,   rent, Real Estate, Homes, Homes for sale, rent to own, for sale, homes for sale, units for sale, apartments for sale, apartments for rent, homes for rent,

Limitless Real Estate possibilities

Here on the Gold coast in Australia there is always seeming to be an almost limitless supply of Real Estate. Almost anywhere you turn there are always usually real estate listings, in the papers newsletters on bus stops, taxis and more. And yet strangely enough the prices keep going up, Usually the more people offering the less the price, that is the law of Supply and demand.

Take carpet cleaning for example it was in 1992 when there were 50 cleaners $25 a room, by the year 2002 there were 150 cleaners and the price dropped to $15 a room. And now with the past economic problems and growing living costs there are less individuals out there competing so the price is back up to around $30 to $40 per room.

Yet somehow that fact seems to make growth in real estate a seemingly limitless action, maybe people think if they stay renting one place longer they can avoid that growing expense more often. So those who want to buy or move into a place are on the look out for that seemingly limitless supply of real estate listings that ironically appears to exist.

I believe Trulia real estate, is much like our Australian version where you can find homes for sale plus heaps of other info. Trulia real estate, offers also Quoted recently sold properties, local school information and much more. Trulia is a free unbiased real estate search. This type of Internet based real estate site gives you a fairly limitless access to what is available in real estate, both to the buyer and the seller. For iPad users, Trulia real estate is neatly presented and easily workable site.

The real estate listings for American properties on Trulia real estate are easy to see with a pleasant sampling of properties, pictures and listings right there on the home page, adding appeal to the site. It's truley a pitty that Trulia real estate has not set up integration marketing with sites of like from other countries such as, sharing their most agreeable site setup with them, to enable people to search real estate outside the country of their residence more easily and more enjoyably.

Imagine if you are in the U.S. and you only know of Trulia real estate as a comprehensive real estate information and real estate listings site but you want to look for an investment property here in Oz, you can't use Trulia, not now at least. I know I have tried it.
I also did a search on Australian real estate and is the only one in the first 10 listings in google that is even as remotely user, real estate searcher friendly as the Trulia real estate site. I even checked out by searching by country other sites, none truley compare to the quality of the Trulia real estate site, though there seems an almost limitless number of real estate listing sites.

Some of them do not seem to accommodate for the fact looking for real estate listings should be as quick and easy as possible for every one, including the impaired, and on every Internet capable device without having to get plugins for things like flash, which I hear Apple is not very accepting of, and understandably so, many specially designed computers, say for the visually impaired or the illiterate, have a conniption when a site contains flash or other content as the reader program cannot read out to the impaired user the content they can't see themselves.

Heck, forget the flash content, my Android phone probably would not open some of the real estate sites simply because they have not accommodated for all internet capable mobiles. Nor can every one figure out to click the state on the map or type the state in a particular place if there is nothing guiding them to do so.

limitless, Real Estate, Trulia real estate, real estate listings, for sale, homes for sale, units for sale, apartments for sale, apartments for rent, homes for rent,Limitless Real Estate possibilities,

GOT Google get Googled properly got it

How do I know if I've been Googled enough?

I'd like to Google that
First before I get into telling you how to tell if you've been Googled enough. This is not a plug for Google I am just sharing what I have done or used and trying to be creative. ALSO I am in no way affiliated with Google or Google Earth OK now take me to your Google I mean leader Sergey.
All hail the mighty she god Google 8)

I've been using all sorts of Google products now for what seems an eternity since 2003 or 04 I think it was when I first tried using Google YouTube and Google blogger then google zeitgeist Google earth Google translate in 2005 plus Google talk Google Alerts Google Docs Google toolbar Google news Google video Google products Google groups Google maps Google wiki Google Picasa Google trends Google code Google sketch up Google gears Google Panoramio Google Adwords Google Adsense and Google Orkut Social networking and discussion site operated by Google

AND I'm using Google mail or Gmail and Google chrome right now to see to type this post. Oh and I only just found out about or remembered about Google wave this Christmas

Do you remember all the hoo ha when Google earth maps, brought out streetview? I think I even wrote an article about it. But the people were going crackers about privacy in a public street.

What's that about 25 Google products? I lost count & gave up counting around 25.

There are only a couple of things I haven't figured out about some Google products, So you may say I'm Googled enough officially.
After doing all that it reminds me of an old nursery rhyme before I lose it and go completely Googly

Old Macdonald had a Search engine
And on that Search engine he had a Google
Here a Google
There a Google
Everywhere a Google Google
Old Macdonald had a Google
With a Google Google here
And a Google Google there
Old Macdonald had a Google

Speaking of hearts did you see googles heart or do a barrel roll in search or the latest Let it snow or just head over to do a basic search in Chrome and get a Christmas song played by Google once you click the little boxes The Christmas one is probably finished so try out a Google flight simulator  Open Google Earth. Click on Tools>Enter Flight Simulator... If you don't see that option, then press Ctrl+Alt+A.

I know some of these don't work because the fact Google changed after many years the I'm feeling lucky button and layout.

Some other Google tricks I found do these searches & watch what happens
search for askew
search for "google gravity"
and the same for


Google Christmas

Google snow

Anyway with all that said here is the link to get more Google products
Old Macdonald had a Google

Google girl image courtesy of

 earth Google, Google earth maps, streetview, maps Google, Google translate, GOT Google, get Googled, Google, Google gravity, Google streetview,Google products, Google groups, Google maps, Google Picasa, Google trends, Google code, Google earth, Google translate, Google +1, Google girl

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Ugliest dog breed cutest puppies

Ugliest dog breed cutest puppies

I can't quite figure it out which of the dog breeds has the ugliest dog. This is even though I've seen quite a few ugly dogs. I used to think it was the Chihuahua but then saw some cute ones like bandit on the Dog whisperer.

The worst or ugliest dog I saw so far was on the internet. Then on the flip side you have the cute dogs to balance it all out. I think the cutest dogs are husky puppies,
Basset puppies for sale

These are some of our Basset puppies for sale back when we were breeding them. I find Bassets are the most unique character and loyal dog breed as a whole next would be the Neapolitan.

The other thing is that while a Basset may look small it really is just a Neapolitan of a different colour for strength and weight.

I f you love a laugh, you have to check out some funny animals pics
check out the Chihuahua with the red eyes the link is to

Basset hound character

This is a tribute to Daina our 2nd Neapolitan.

Whether it was at work, rest or play Daina was a true character. Daina always loved being the centre of attention. Though she bit me one day by accident and is now gone she lives in memories like these.

dog, dog breeds, ugliest dog, puppies, husky puppies, puppies for sale, Dog whisperer, Basset puppies, Basset Hounds, Neapolitan, Neapolitan mastiff, Italian mastiff

Zoo lights fantastic Angry Bird feeders Frenzy

Having grown up on a farm which was in a government ordained bird sanctuary, I grew up with birds of all sorts around my home, both domesticated and wild. It became a common thing for orphans, as well as those that had been injured or even fallen from the nest as a chick, to be nursed or raised by my siblings and I.

One bird in particular that my dad brought home as a rescue was a Quarrian, the Australian native version of the cockatiel. Now days dad would have to get a license to keep the bird. But we are talking the1970's here. I was only 3 months old at the time, so I got to grow up with this dear bird we named George.

Angry Bird feeders Frenzy
Often, over the years, visitors to our home thought we had an angry bird as he would have a go at them, and as the older siblings left home returning to visit, he would have a go at them. I guess in a way he was an angry bird, but he never got that way with me for no reason. When I did upset him he would hiss at me.

Occasionally we would get wild bird seed mix to put in bird feeders for the wild galahs and cockatoos, someone would always forget and put some in George's feed dish. Then we would have an angry bird, who would pick out the sunflower seeds and literally peg them at whoever walked by. Of course it was quite funny, especially when one of our city friends was the target.

It is sometimes a bit daunting even now living in the suburbs to know which is the best type of bird feeder to use. Bird feeders come in all forms and shapes but a good bird feeder gives the bird a safe place to perch or hang while they have their fill of feed. Somewhere that cats can't get is ideal. If on a pole in the middle of a yard a nice wide platform that cats can't climb around and onto is ideal.

This on its own makes for a good bird feeder extend the pole up past the platform and set a hook and you can ad an all seed hanging bird feeder. Giving two bird feeders in one place. You may find you end up with frustrated and angry cats, but not one angry bird will be found unless someone annoys them.

Zoo lights fantastic
Being the season I decided to check out Christmas lights. Having no passport and not enough time or money to travel around Australia let alone the world to do this and get a decent enough look before they start to come down I turned to the Internet for my viewing glory. But sadly it seems that our zoos and parks here in Oz either don't have worthwhile displays or just could not be bothered using the most used media in the entire world to share them.

None the less, for much less than it costs for half a tank of fuel, my husband and I got to see some really cool light displays at homes throughout the world, a neat video of Santa in Australia Zoo's Tiger Temple, which is what they call their tiger pit, and of course the zoo lights Oregon and zoo lights Phoenix. I have to hand it to the Americans, they certainly know how to do some of the coolest displays to share with the world.

The zoo lights, though not quite what I expected were incredible. Zoo lights Phoenix showed me a new level of treetensity lighting, the kind that always takes my breath away. And the YouTube video of zoo lights Oregon gave me an old time joy, long lost to me when my childhood ended. I thought that gorgeous steam train looked so wonderful it brought tears of excitement to my eyes. Then I watched the video. I haven't felt that mix of awe and excitement for many years over Christmas lights, or much else for that matter. Zoo lights Oregon, I can hardly wait till I can come see you live myself, and if I can work it in the same trip, zoo lights Phoenix I'll be a coming your way.

However one little suggestion to both and all zoos and wildlife parks that do zoo lights, if you have bird feeder pillars like those at Currumbin Bird Sanctury, along your public access paths or bird feeders hanging in the trees that line the walkways your visitors use, try to put a little of that light magic you put on the trees and posts on the bird feeder tray bases, they might just end up looking like Christmas tree baubles at night.

For more info go check out the zoo lights site at

birds, angry bird, bird feeder, bird feeders, zoo lights, zoo lights Oregon, zoo lights Phoenix

Kim Kardashian pregnant

Kim Kardashian Konfusion
My big question is how could someone as skinny as E! network star Kim Kardashian be pregnant on 3 Dec 2011 – and not be showing yet? 

Kim Kardashian on fire with her hot body. You should be proud Kim

QUOTED from Google
"Pregnant Kourtney Kardashian slams Teen Mom star Farrah ...
3 Dec 2011 – Not showing yet: The E! network star is nine months pregnant but

OK sorry Kim I got it wrong I saw the following afterwards.

Kim Kardashian Pregnant? Denies Rumors On 'The Tonight Show

I was about to give  Kim Kardashian a big congrats on her wedding but then found out she got divorced the Kim Kardashian wedding was almost the shortest marriage for 2011 but she was trumped at the last minute by Sinead O'Connor.

Maybe you could ask e news they seem to have heaps of info because I watched them on Fox 8 and other channels on pay TV
QUOTED from Google
21 Dec 2011 – Kim Kardashian Divorce

Beware pregnancy symptoms
I know for a fact my wife and pregnancy don't mix because. When she was in her early pregnancy stages she had just about had every 1 of the known pregnancy symptoms. Most of the symptoms were bad like the enlarged breasts, mood swings, vomiting, crying, shouting, sore breasts, when I wanted to touch them unless at the time she was acting like a rabbit in heat. Once we figured something was wrong we went to the doctor for the third time who finally did a pregnancy test only to discover she was in fact pregnant and not going crackers.

Even though this was within a week of the symptoms appearing it was too late for the poor baby. Because during this time she was taking the pill to which we were unaware of her pregnancy .

I was actually Googling trying to find out about a metallic tasting gas I had been experiencing lately. Because  I thought someone was trying to poison me. So I googled it "metallic tasting gas" and found this useful forum on pregnancy

Photo courtesy of
Attribution :  © Glenn Francis,

Kim Kardashian divorce, Kim Kardashian pregnant, Kim Kardashian wedding, girls, pregnancy, pregnancy test, pregnancy symptoms, early pregnancy,Pregnant Kourtney Kardashian

Paranormal activity in 2012 doomsday

I was checking out paranormal activity on Showtime the other week then I noticed the new paranormal activity movie was on too late for me to watch so I recorded it and watched the two together the next day just for comparison purposes. Now looking at them both I think the first was better than paranormal activity 2 not sure about 3 yet because it was only released on 20 October 2011 in Australia.

Paranormal activity 3 Stars ... AS
Christopher Nicholas Smith ... Dennis
Lauren Bittner ... Julie
Chloe Csengery ... Young Katie
Jessica Tyler Brown ... Young Kristi Rey
Dustin Ingram ... Randy Rosen
Maria Olsen ... Creepy Woman

The way I see it Paranormal activity 3 would go something like the previous two. Where a strange being lives in their home and they try to befriend it to help stop it being bad towards them.

Paranormal activity in 2012 doomsday
If you couldn't guess recently I was on IMDB checking out movies and wanted to see what was on the 2012 movie list. Lo and behold the one that grabbed my attention was 2012 doomsday. The reason it grabbed my attention was the fact that I love to see what kinds of situations these people get themselves worked up into.

Speaking of the movie 2012 doomsday, I saw a sign somewhere saying the world is going to end on December 21st, 2012 so me being full of skepticism, I Googled it. Only to find all the crackpots out there with all sorts of prophecies. Some of them even trying to make the threat seem real by asking... Why does the mayan calender end on December 21, 2012? That's like saying... Why does my Motorola v3xx calendar only go back to 2005? What didn't the world exist before then?

The reason I'm skeptical is because 98% of the time these people are wrong. The only one I tend to take heed of is Nostradamus, because he tends to come closest to the mark.

2012, 2012 movie, 2012 doomsday, paranormal activity, paranormal activity movie, paranormal activity ending, paranormal activity 2 or 3

2012 predictions for hot baby names

2012 predictions for the World
I really don't believe how quick the people are at laying out the 2012 calendar full of 2012 predictions for baby names. It seems like people are now days saying forget the baby registry just get a hot baby name. At least that's better than those other stupid end of the world ones I suppose.

Too bad this guy couldn't count, look or remember what he wrote he spells out 36 predictions in the title but says 35 predictions in the description... OR did one of the predictions not seem even remotely possible after he sobered up. OK enough's enough, Oh what the hay one more won't hurt. Maybe he can only spell up to 36 and can only count to 35. Here's one of my 2012 predictions. This guys is going to have egg on his face when he realises his goof up that was proudly displayed on Google Serps at position 5. Another of my 2012 predictions is 98-100% of the 2012 or any other predictions will come true.

Thirty-six predictions for the world: 2010 - 2012
15 Feb 2010 – That's what I've done here in this collection of thirty-five predictions for 2010 - 2012. Although I can't actually see the future in some sort of ...

A rose by any other Baby Name
When you're looking at picking baby names what you name your future child end up coming back on them. So they might sound or even look adorable, funny or just plain cute, for a baby remember your kids are going to grow up. Now if their school or class mates are anything like mine were well make sure you have a couple of cartons of tissues ready. You know how hurtful kids can be well, the colourful the types of nicknames I was called were stunning.

I can't remember which show it was. Actually yes it was on Scrubs the mother liked Honour and the father got berated for saying I'd get on her.

I read somewhere "In the Bible, parents named the boy child after a male relative" So I checked it out and it is true. I was named after my father and his father and while I was in the holy book I checked out and found my name there.

Look I say if you want to go in for Hot Baby Name Trends for 2012 or whatever year you're in or going into it's your right. Just remember a name is for life AND death. Just because there are 740,000 + pages of or relating to "hot baby names" YOU can Google that phase to check, doesn't mean you have to use one of them. I don't think your kid is going to become a rock star if you name him Axe.

These are just a couple of tips for you from someone with an IQ in excess of 150, closer to 160 but less than 175. AND yes I was teased at school for that too.

Do a word/s association test with me you know the ones you see at the shrinks office on TV, just to see what some people may call your precious one with the name you may choose.

E.G. I say Black you say Dark or White OK got it...

Monroe Shockies or shocks
Breaker Circuit or maker
Wylie Coyote
Maverick & Goose from TopGun
Loyal Dog
Augustus Gloop Charlie & the chocolate factory
Wilder In bed
Fox Sly
Bell Moo or cow

I hope you see what I am getting at here to help you in possibly one of the hardest choices in your life picking your baby name.

baby, baby names, baby registry, hot baby name, 2012, 2012 calendar, 2012 predictions

Angry birds dog food coupons

I'm not sure about you but our dog, always has dog food that is home made, so we don't have to worry about trying to find dog food coupons. I am going to give you the recipe and it's not rocket science your dog will not die or anything. In fact we found our dogs were better on this than on dry dog food or tin food. AND I am giving you my 100 percent money back guarantee on this recipe, if you are not happy you can get your money back. SIMPLE?

Here is a recipe For dog food healthy mix I have been using for (ten years), for your dog, to save you having to worry about getting dog food coupons.

Dog food healthy mix
6 kilo of pet mince = $6
12 kilo mixed vegetables = $16
6 kilo of pet mince = $6
6 kilo mixed vegetables = $8
6 kilo rolled oats (plain) = $7

1 teaspoon brewers yeast

combine well all ingredients together until well mixed.
Transfer in 500ml takeaway containers and freeze all
but 4 containers for a 40-50 kilo dog.
See below for other sizes

For our dog this is an 18 day supply to which each meal we add 1 teaspoon brewers yeast. We alternate months so the selenium does not build up too much.

IF you're strapped for cash don't resort to dog food coupons for tinned dog food just change 3 kilo of the mixed veges to 1 kilo of medium grain rice = 5 cups cooked in 3.5 litres of boiling water.

For dog food healthy mix feeding guide.
We feed our 40-50 kilo Neapolitan's 1 kilo a day.
So 20-25 kilo dogs would have 600 grams approximately
So 10-15 kilo dogs would have 300-400 grams approximately

What you need to do is watch the weight. If it goes up feed less if it goes down feed more until you get a happy medium.

Angry birds game
Until I saw them in Coles down the road I didn't know there was an Angry birds game, let alone the fact you could play Angry birds online. So putting on my thinking cap I Googled Angry Birds chrome because I use Chrome. Sure enough there was this Chrome app so I checked out Angry birds. Now I am in this game everyone is going Cuckoo over. And I'm like WTF? I cannot make heads nor tails out of this game. Mind you it is a basic game I tend to go in for puzzles, sudoku and things like that. I did however try a bit of Warcraft once way back early on in the piece, probably before it got good and all the rage like it is now days.

Something that's really weird about the angry birds game is that I thought it was OK for iPhones so I checked on the iPad and strangely enough I couldn't get access. Have you been able to?

From Wikipedia at
Angry Birds is a puzzle video game developed by Finnish computer game developer Rovio Mobile. Inspired primarily by a sketch of stylized wingless bird

Next thing that will be bombarding our eyeballs will be Angry Birds ring tones, Angry Birds gift cards and Angry Birds coupons

Angry Birds, Angry Birds online, Angry Birds chrome, Angry Birds gift cards, Angry Birds coupons, dog, dog food, dog food coupons, Dog food healthy mix

Monday, December 26, 2011

Facebook mobile upload to tumblr

I have been using both tumblr and Facebook for a number of years now. I just recently discovered they both have apps for my phone. Well I sort of tried out the Facebook one back in March but have to wait until mobile reception got better. Even when it did it was still quite slow. I know this was not the fault of Facebook but my phone carrier.

Though I am yet to check out changing the tumblr theme, tumblr background changing or tumblr app for my iPad I am sure if it's anything like what it's like on my computer I will be impressed.

After writing this sort of a brain dump I had a vision possibly Richard Branson style, it must have been the article about police helped by Facebook I read the other day that prompted me. Anyway if you don't know Richard Branson's style I know he like's fun stuff and keeping within the law.

Anyway I thought the police would have thought of this... With the advent of mobile Facebook, you could do a Facebook mobile chat, with police, about the Facebook mobile upload video you just took of that crime you just witnessed. Therefore the information gets on the record quicker which could lead to more criminals being caught with less man power and you don't have the hassle of having to go i to report it. Almost everywhere you look right across the world I always here of police need more manpower and help from the community.

Then you or other people could help the police by posting to either tumblr or your Facebook timeline to track the criminal.

tumblr, tumblr theme, tumblr background, mobile Facebook, Facebook mobile chat, Facebook mobile upload

Facebook Christmas wallpaper

I was actually just yesterday checking around for Christmas wallpaper and thought of Facebook I haven't checked there yet. So I am headed off to check out and see if they have any great Christmas wallpaper at Facebook. Back soon. Before I go some other places I thought to check for Christmas wallpaper is Myspace, twitter, Yahoo or yes that's right even YouTube. The reason I included YouTube is because some of the designers or wanna be graphic designers use YouTube as a part of their portfolio.

Here's something for the strange basket. My friend call up MIND you, he knows my email and asks me the other day about where to get Christmas HD wallpaper. Firstly I said... Man, what for? What do I look like everyone's always asking me something strange like that. Have you tried Google? Just put in something like, free Christmas wallpaper or Christmas HD wallpaper. My friend replies I want it for my new LCD TV and nah I didn't think of it. Thanks.

Christmas wallpaper, free Christmas wallpaper, Christmas HD wallpaper, Facebook, Myspace, twitter, Yahoo, YouTube,

Facebook home page mystery

With the recent commercialization of Facebook and introduction of the Facebook timeline more and more people, specially businesses are trying to get likes on their Facebook home page.

Since making it easier to find the Facebook login page and specially since I had problems with the home page I very rarely use it now. Though initially I used to try and find some of my class mates it really didn't bother me if I did find them. That is unless they were putting up the fact they are sorry for what they did all those years. Anyway apart from the fact my school seems to have disappeared from Facebook. I find the Facebook search OK to use, most times that is.

I'm not sure why or if anyone else is having the problem but my Facebook home page seems to be loading really slow if at all sometimes. Often times I go into play mafia wars and I have to try typing in the link directly which is frustrating, because I tend to mistype due to it being a long url.

Facebook, Facebook login, Facebook search, Facebook timeline, Facebook home page, Facebook login page, home page

Sunday, December 25, 2011

News Charlie Sheen dead

In the News Charlie Sheen dead is he really?
Jake covered in Spaghetti 2.5 men Squab episode

Funny that. The irony I mean because I just did a post about the news being lost because almost everywhere I look over the past few years it's been Gaddafi this or Gaddafi's army that.
Speaking of war in the news. What actually went wrong with Charlie Sheen? He was cruising along with 2.5 men I thought he was doing fine. Then like next minute he's all over the news going crackers.

I don't know why but for some reason I am having this severe case of dejavu about writing part of this post. It's really weird the fact I saw somewhere just before something about Charlie Sheen dead. It's really strange because I was just watching a Charlie Sheen interview, but then hey you may just walk out the door one day and get hit by a truck.

I believe I actually finally caught up almost with watching 2.5 men now I just have to catch up of watching the new 2.5 men.

Lately because it's convenient I use Google news when I am online sometimes watch the local daily news but then watch CNN news for the international stuff. Something I find interesting also is the fact that quite often the local news don't show some of the news I see on the Internet for around a few months or so.

Since doing this post I have found from pretty reliable sources 2.5 men star Charlie Sheen is not dead.

news, Google news, daily news, CNN news, Charlie Sheen, Charlie Sheen interview, Charlie Sheen dead, 2.5 men

Steve Jobs funeral weather

I really hope the weather was fine for the Steve Jobs funeral, but then as they say a rainy day funeral people tend to go to heaven specially if there is a rainbow. Man it's so odd the fact that recently I've learnt more about Steve Jobs since his death than in the previous 40 odd years or so. Whilst I find it strange I suppose that is just how legends get started. Steve will in my eyes always be a legend to me.

Speaking of legends the way the media has been talking lately I wouldn't be surprised if Demi Moore and Ellen Degeneres Enid up with legend status as well. That's just the impression I got from one of the interviews or articles I saw on TV the other day about Demi Moore & Ellen Degeneres.

Amazing how a story about one thing can turn into another in just the blink of an eye. I was just speaking about weather and thought I haven't been to the weather channel as much lately possibly because of the fact I use my address bar and get Google weather. For example I typed in "Weather glod coast Queensland" and up came the link with the answer. GEE Google is smart ;)

Steve Jobs, Demi Moore, Ellen Degeneres, weather, weather channel, Google weather, weather forecast

Lindsay Lohan crotch news

Lindsay Lohan ( /ˈloʊ.ən/;[1] born July 2, 1986

Just like I was talking about charlie Sheen lately always seeming to be in the news, it seems like he's been taking lessons from Lindsay Lohan in the news.

I often think that the stars tend to put an act on for the cameras specially certain ones like if they know TMZ is round but I thought it was a bit of a low blow the photo called the Lindsay Lohan crotch shot. Man I can't stand my dog following me round sometimes, like you know when you just want to be left alone.

I actually thought or believed being Lindsay Lohan is a product of Disney That they would have possibly protected they're investment. But then on the other hand she is probably long separated from Disney.

Lately I tend to find myself not watching fox news so much but getting Google news to work for me. Because I can then use it in an RSS feed for my articles and keep fresh content on the sites.

Anyways back to talking about Lindsay Lohan. When I first saw her in the past few years I didn't connect the dots. I thought she was familiar. I had seen her in the parent trap and a few other movies without even realising I had seen her before.

Photo courtesy of

Lindsay Lohan, Lindsay Lohan TMZ, Lindsay Lohan crotch, news, fox, news, Google news,

Thursday, December 22, 2011

Could army help with Virginia Tech shooting

I know it's a sensitive and complex subject but remember I am doing this for the improvement of my writing skills and to help out you guys with inspiration. Becauseif I can write about this sort of stuff sensitively well I'm sure you can conquer your problems too.

Though the Virginia Tech shooting was a tragedy it was good to see that gun laws were changed in at least Virginia as a result. I did however think it a bit strange that the mentally unsound, were allowed to purchase handguns prior to this tragedy. In Tasmania we had a similar thing happen a while back in which the Army was brought in to help resolve.

On a lighter note every now and then my wife say about she wants to join the Army but they never respond to her requests about a condition she has. To which I reply. Army what us Army people like mash? She says yep. I said to her what you want to be one of those Army wives? She said no it would be good to get my mechanics apprenticeship through.

Virginia Tech shooting, shooting in Virginia, school shooting, Army, us Army, Army wives, join the Army

The royal wedding on mapquest

Here's a laugh for you. I thought I'd check out, where Buckingham palace was in England, for my wish list just in case I felt like going for a holiday or maybe the next royal wedding. So I headed over to mapquest, typed in Buckingham palace, England. Sure enough mapquest claims Buckingham palace to be in the USA in New York. I think I might get the travel agent to get me a map with directions, seems more reliable.

Here check it out to see I am telling the truth. I got the link this time too see in the pic of Buckingham palace.

Because this is classic mapquest, also classic of other mapping software I prefer to use google maps or

Though I couldn't go and see the royal wedding, of prince william to Kate Middleton I did get to video and see most of the royal wedding coverage, which I believe was on CNN. Speaking of which because some of it happened after we went to bed I have to still go and check out what ended up happening in the bits I missed.

mapquest, classic mapquest, google maps, royal wedding, the royal wedding coverage, prince william

Gaddafi military lost

With colonel Gaddafi dead the military will possibly be lost and quite possibly so will the media because almost everywhere I look over the past few years it's been Gaddafi this or Gaddafi's army that. at least there'll be less unemployment due to having the need for some new recruits.

Gaddafi dead here in New Jersey
Though the topic is serious I wanted to see if mapquest had know where Gaddafi was. So again I popped over to mapquest to see if they knew. Sure enough it seems to be mapquest found him in the USA in Jersey somewhere.

I actually went back to try to get you the link but the mapquest must have found the bug, so I'm glad I got this pic when I did, to prove I wasn't lying.

Gaddafi, Gaddafi video, Gaddafi dead, mapquest, military, military pay, military pay chart,

careerbuilder for serious job hunters

Because I am always looking to expand my vocation I was the other day checking out careerbuilder jobs only to find careerbuilder was an American site. The reason I was looking was because in Australia I only know of the Australian government jobs site, that is reliable and without a lot of junk.

Indeed jobs are something we all need at one stage or another, and speaking of which I came across in my hunt. This I found also to my dissapointepment was another American jobs site. See I know we have career one and things like yahoo jobs & monster jobs but the big problem is they are mostly double ups.

Still on the jobs subject I was watching company men. The movie the other night and saw a good way to reduce the sze of my resume. When the guys are trying to find new jobs after the shipyard closes down the HR person tells them to categorize the work history no breaking down the jobs from the past history.

I think the best thing for you to do is if you are wanting to change or improve your resume you better watch the company men and take notes. In fact I recommend you either buy or hire the DVD.

Jobs, careerbuilder, careerbuilder Jobs, indeed Jobs,

About the school Scholastic book club

Way back in the 1970s when I was at primary school though we had the Scholastic book club we never had the Scholastic book fair or Scholastic coupon codes. We did have the Scholastic book orders though. I used to really hang out for the books I ordered it was quite often a surprise when they arrived because they took so long it seemed to get here that I quite often forgot what I ordered.

I'm pretty sure if we had access to the Scholastic coupon codes we would have probably ordered more books than we did. Speaking of which I've been trying to figure out if the coupons you here of on the movies are just discount coupons like we have here in Australia.

It was unfortunate however the fact that when mi went to high school The Scholastic book club never for some strange reason supplied the books. I guess it was due to the fact that they were only for primary school level reading. If I'm not mistaken the only book from the school supply list I still have is day to day cookery. I refer to this book which I've had since 1982 quite often due to the budget and reliable recipes in them.

Scholastic book club, Scholastic book fair, Scholastic book order s, Scholastic coupon codes, school, high school, school supply list

About the college common app

Its a really smart idea the common app short for common application was made. Because from what I understand it covers such things as listed at

Gee I found the site well organised and even went through the tutorial to see just what I would have to go through in case I was going to apply for college. I don't actually remember the details being that in depth when I was going to apply for college. However I was applying for TAFE. These college applications seem more for university.

In Australia those who are leaving high school and have done the right blend of subjects to sit what is called an ASAT test get to fill an application to further their education at university for a vast rang of subjects, from teaching to civil engineering etc. From what an exchange student from the US said these applications are very similar to the common app minus the essay. You fill out your personal details, your college or uni choices in order of preference, your course preferences etc and get it in by the deadline or miss out entirely.

Some colleges and specialized schools will require you to write an essay or two. Generally the college board will ask one to write an essay about themselves and why they should choose you above the other applicants. I guess that one of the perks of this exercise is to eliminate or at least reduce the chances of letting what could become known as a college prowler. No matter where in the world college board personal want to restrict the chance of unsavories getting into their institution and the college common app is the first step of information they use to guide them.

The essay is possibly the second. But more over as with any application if you don't get it in by the deadline you don't get in. Another person I spoke with told me they had to do two essays as part of their school leaver entry to the police force, which in fact the academies are akin to colleges and depending on which part of the defense forces and your chosen vocation within you need to fill a college common app, write an essay or two and get them in by the deadline. A good school or student councelor can and will only be willing to help you fill out the forms. Some tutors will even do this for a small fee.

A final piece of advice
No matter which college you get into you should especially at night be on the look out for the college prowler.

Wikipedia definition
The Common Application (informally known as the Common App) is an undergraduate college admission application that applicants may use to apply to any of 456 member colleges and universities in the United States and various other countries
Extracted from

common app, college common app, common app, deadline, essay, colleges, schools, college, college board, college prowler,

Monday, December 19, 2011

Motorola DROID RAZR MAXX vs Iphone 5

I was just googling again and found out a bit about the "Motorola DROID RAZR MAXX" actually I think I got it in a Google alert. Anyway it doesn't matter still Google.
couldn't find a new one yet but
here's the XT912

I was looking at getting an Iphone 4s but thought it would be a little on the small side. Since checking them out I ended up buying an iPad. It was about the same time I was checking out the droid razr that I thought about the iPad and am glad I did. Because often times an Iphone app will work on the iPad.

I saw something about a free Iphone, but the silly thing screwed up and I lost the page. Probably another dodgy scam.

Though the "Motorola DROID RAZR" first popped up on my radar around the 10th of January 2011 it must have sold like hotcaeks. Because this "new Motorola DROID RAZR MAXX" was spotted on December 18. Possibly the thought behind pumping them out is strike while the iron is hot.

One thing I really hope is the droid razr battery is better than the Samsung battery that blew up a couple of years back. I mean it expanded not exploded, it actually looked like it got pregnant overnight. No delivery but, I was hoping for a couple of new ones.  Though the bubble smile game was good I prefer the games on the droid phones.

1 comment found so far said "about Motorola DROID RAZR MAXX"
Wow! Dolby sound, a 4.5" HD screen and a 13 MP camera... that is quite an upgrade!

By the time June 12 rolls around I may have enough moolah to buy the latest "Motorola DROID RAZR" outright. I wonder how much it will be? Oh well I have 6 months so if I save $25 a week I should get close.

droid razr, Motorola droid razr, droid phones, Motorola razr, droid razr battery, new Motorola DROID RAZR MAXX, about Motorola DROID RAZR MAXX, Iphone 4s, free Iphone, Iphone app

yahoo blackberry playbook

Make a yahoo logo
I was checking out the blackberry playbook which looks just a bit small for me. I initially thought earlier this year of getting one like that at the Telstra shop. However since then I have bought an iPad. The size is just about perfect for me although a little heavy.

I haven't tried it on Yahoo yet though Google works great. I was just reading a review and they basically were saying paraprasing here At 0.9 pounds, it's considerably lighter than an iPad 2 I thought yeah it would want to be at around half the size.
Completely original image By TJ Short 
For detail see below image

One thing I have been wondering for many a year is what's the deal with mail Yahoo in particular. You use your Yahoo mail login, and it seems like sometimes one of the systems seems to forget you are logged in. Because all of a sudden you have to login again.

It brings up the Yahoo mail login, thingy and for some reason this time it only asks for your password, like it just forgot that. I keep meaning to mail Yahoo about it for the last, I mean since 2001. What I was going to say about Yahoo would have been technically incorrect if you are or were reading this in 2017.

Making mail or logo images
I had a think about the problem whilst writing this and here's what I thought. It maybe just the different yahoo sections not necessarily forgetting your password, but doing a confirmation that it is still you. See the system has your details in a session cookie, if the site uses session id.

I do however like how your yahoo mail login, get you in site wide and across the various sites and how Google has followed in the Yahoo footsteps.

At least yahoo isn't as bad as ringing up to sort out some accounts. You know how you have to give them your name, address, date of birth, a password, some even want blood, it seems like.

blackberry playbook, blackberry playbook 2, blackberry iPad, yahoo, yahoo mail login, mail yahoo

Iphone 5 Mail on

Completely original image By TJ Short
For detail see below image
I am still glad I got the iPad and not waited for the Iphone 5 due to the size constraints. See I need the bigger screen to be able to see it properly, because of my eyesight.

I tried checking the mail on my wife's Nokia N97 and just about went out of my mind, it was like trying to shove your head into a mouse hole.

With news just on the radar of the Iphone 5 after the iPad 2 being a smashing success this Iphone release I feel will be the best so far. With the new Iphone set for June 2012 we will eagerly await with baited breath the chance of getting one. Speaking of which I am yet to get one of these funny Iphone texts, I've been hearing about. I think I saw something about a free Iphone, but that was for America only.

I do like the use of the icloud as storage now just doesn't seem to be a bother. One problem I found is I can't figure out how to view the source of web pages in the iPad so I use tumblr and go back on my pc to check them out

Though trying out gmail I am still to try out in the other accounts for mail live or yahoo on the iPad. One cool thing I got to check out was the Australian TV guide. Of course if you're living in Australia it could be useful for you to use it to.

Click for instructions on a bigger image

Making mail or logo images

mail, yahoo mail, mail live, Iphone 5, Iphone release, new Iphone, free Iphone, funny Iphone texts, icloud, tumblr

Sunday, December 18, 2011

Williams Sonoma the Cuisinart of stores

Williams Sonoma the Cuisinart of stores sound like what in is called Myers. Who sell high-end retail company that sells houmewares, linen, furniture household items as well as other kitchenware and they are an Australian consumer retail company. Though I feel Williams and Sonoma sounds more posh, a bit like Marks and Spencer just not so much so.

Here is something I know they sell that is a Cuisinart. Just about every American cooking show I hear someone saying about the Cuisinart this the Cuisinart that. Though however in Australia we have the Cuisinart we mostly just say the blender or food processor. When I first heard someone say about the Cuisinart I had to ask what they meant I now know it or recognise them quite easily. I personally use a Breville but have moved over to Braun

Ok you caught me I have been googling again and found out a bit about the fact of they now have a Cuisinart stand mixer. This however shouldn't surprise me due to the fact that stand mixers have been round for a long time. I think when I was born my mum had one. I believe it was a Sunbeam, then she moved on to a Kenwood chef, to which I bought two. You see I love food and am a wizz at cooking & making all most all sorts of recipes.

Williams Sonoma, Williams and Sonoma, Breville, Cuisinart, Cuisinart stand mixer, food processor