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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Did Robert Noyce help with a New Planet Discovered

UFO sightings shown here of 3 different craft over a 2 year period on the Gold coast. see below for more info click images for larger size

I had to get help with this story because it was or is so big because it's not everday you here of a New Planet Discovered let alone even the remote possibility of a new earth discovered. Here's the odd thing I am following NASA in Google + circles and I saw no mention of it. Maybe this was overshadowed by the fact of the last lunar eclipse for 2011, which happened 10 December 2011 Time: 12:07 PM ET

Gold coast UFO sighting Australia
My hopes were dashed today after many years of being in search of a new place to just someday getaway. I just found out the New Planet Discovered which is most earth like named Kepler-21b has a temperature of a blistering 2,960 degrees Fahrenheit.

Mind you I only found out on Jan 2 2012 about this New Planet Discovered, however with all this modern technology the newspapers seem to have quite a bit of lag time versus the web one newspaper who I shall not name said

21 Dec 2011 –
Nasa's Kepler space telescope has found a rocky planet named Kepler-21b has a temperature of a blistering 2,960 degrees Fahrenheit.
The Huffington Post Timothy Stenovec First Posted: 11/30/11 08:02 PM --
Kepler-21b: Near Earth-Sized Planet Discovered 352 Light-Years Away

Gold coast UFO sighting strange manoeuvrings 
And yet another news article found in a British news paper makes it known NASA's Keplar space telescope has made 3 new planet discoveries in the month of December 2011 and a total of 28 finds since the project started in 2009. And yes though some of the have headlines making claims such as New earth discovered, and earth like planet, they are just grabbing the readers's attention enough to get the message that a new planet has been discovered, though the fact it may not be that physically new, our knowledge of it is.

Gold coast UFO sighting strange vertical hold pattern
In 1959 The Tinkerings of Robert Noyce affectionately known as as the "Mayor of Silicon Valley" led to him being the inventor of the Integrated Circuit, to which without it the IC or Integrated Circuit we would probably not have the type of computers we know of today. He also oversaw the invention of the microprocessor. And can even be looked upon as the father of the working style in the Silicon Valley.

Maybe the revolutionary inventiveness of Robert Noyce even assisted NASA in the space race in the early days. It certainly would have with modern computer development and even in enabling the some of the construction of the powerful telescopes that enable news of New planet decovered to be heralded. Not to mention all the electronic devices that we can now enjoy today in cost effective mass quantities.

One thing I do find compelling is the fact that some people are of the opinion that if we do find a planet truley like earth that communication with it's inhabitants would be futile due to the time it would take for it to travel over the vast distance required. Who said it would take longer than the lifetime of human or the receiving life form to make communication possible? Just look at quickly technology has advanced in the very fields required for both finding such a planet, in communication and computing, thanks to people like Robert Noyce, Steve Jobs and places like NASA.

Maybe by the time we actually find a planet to communicate with our only major obstacle in viable communication will be the language barrier. Who's to say most of the Sci-fi stories aren't in fact truth told to the more gifted story tellers on a psychic level by the aliens in their stories.

Aliens live here ? I always wondered
Just as who's to say the UFO's the world governments can't identify, specially since reportedly they move so fast, aren't beings from the very planets we seek and their frequency of being sighted encreases in number and witnesses are directly related to how close our telescopes are to finding their planet, before repositioning to look elsewhere.

Who knows, they may have super advanced technology that enables them to travel and communicate across thousands of light years in a matter of hours and the new planet discovered to them was us. I am of open enough mind to acknowledge the possibility of this being scientific fact even though our planet's level of scientific knowledge is yet to prove either way.

If you are interested in investigating the photos above (Gold coast UFO sighting Australia) I have the original digital file and the enlargement of it. I will certify to the fact these have not been edited except for moving the date and blowing up to around 600pixel per inch for better visibilty 

The photo was taken
Sunday, ‎21 ‎October ‎2007, ‏‎1:25:00 PM

New Planet Discovered, new earth discovered, earth like planet, Robert Noyce

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