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Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Big bang theory of the Math playground

I am of two minds when it comes to the Science of the Big bang theory, the Math just doesn't add up. You see anyone can come up with something and if enough people talk about it the right way people tend to believe it to be true.

Maybe I would be better at Math, if we had things like Math games and Math playground when I went to school. Mind you it seemed the teachers just like the kids seemed to just want to pick on me. As a direct result now I am having to learn this stuff all over again. It's no wonder my high school has disappeared, mind you some of the teacher were ok. Therefor I hand this to my partner to finish.

I too got picked on at school by the students, but for my scientific intellect. I loved learning, loved math loved science. I just didn't fit in too well socially no matter how or what I tried. Maybe that's why the series Big Bang Theory hit such a cord with me, and opposed to my Bioligist sibling, I get the true humor of the show.

Though I had not yet fully learnt the Big bang lyrics before starting to watch something else I did familiarize with it enough to know it is a very reasonable entertainment breakdown of the big bang theory.

Oddly enough, considering the main characters of Big Bang Theory are scientists who fields and works deal greatly with math, they don't seem to play any math games. Maybe they supposedly spent more than enough time in a math playground to not feel inclined to go for the math games when playing traveling games even.

Though we did not have access to the type of gaming technology we have now days, I do recal many of my primary school teachers had their versions of a math playground and the way the presented the puzzles and games we played, we often did not realise we were doing math as a subject until the teacher closed the session by stating that it was the end of our math lesson and what we were doing next.

I still like doing math games And though many may not agree, I include Sudoku as a math game especially when you look at the spin off Kakuro requires calculating atop of the basic Sudoku rules to work the puzzles out.

Visit Math Playground at

Big bang theory, the Big bang, Big bang lyrics, Math, Math games, Math playground

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